02 | 09 | 2013

Information on the Increase in the Frequency of Publication of the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette

Information on the Increase in the Frequency of Publication of the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette

With the aim to accelerate the industrial property registration and granting procedures, the State Intellectual Property Office decided to publish the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette (hereinafter: the Gazette) once in two weeks, instead of once a month.
In accordance with the same, the appearance and structure of the Gazette will be adapted appropriately to the increased publication dynamics and the electronic medium in which it has been published.

The scope and content of the data related to the industrial property granting procedures to be published in the Gazette will remain unchanged, whereas the static contents with reference data and information will be singled out to separate menus on the web site of the Office on which the Gazette has been published.

The first issue of the Gazette to be published using new two-week publishing dynamics will be published on 11 October 2013, and from that date on, the Gazette will be published once in two weeks on Fridays according to the schedule which may be seen here.


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