15 | 03 | 2016

Seminar How to understand and draft search reports and written opinions, 17.May 2016, Zagreb

Seminar How to understand and draft search reports and written opinions, 17.May 2016, Zagreb

Organised by the European Patent Academy within the European Patent Office and the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia, seminar How to understand search reports and written opinions will be held on 17.05.2016 in the International Hotel in Zagreb.

This seminar is directed to interpreting and drafting EPO search reports and written opinions, it will cover the following topics: patent procedures under the  European Patent Convention and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), structure of search report, particular cases of search reports, the European search opinion (EPC) and written opinion (PCT),  exercises on understanding a search report and opinion, a practical case of patent prosecution at the European Patent Office, use of search reports and written opinions in the framework of patent information and economic intelligence.

The seminar is intended for patent representatives, companies, representatives of centres for technology transfer and other interested professionals.

Seminar lecturers will be patent examiners of the European Patent Office.

Working language of the seminar is English.

Application deadline: 18. April 2016.

Please register here.

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