Other rights of the author

In certain uses of copyright works, exercising copyright in such a way as to obtain the author's approval before using the work would be impractical or there are other reasons to omit the author's prior authorisation. In these cases, instead of the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit use of his work, the author is entitled to remuneration for the use of his work.

Authors of works, which due to their nature can be expected to be reproduced on any medium without their approval by photocopying, recording on sound, image or text carriers for private use, are entitled to an equitable remuneration from the sale of empty sound, image or text carriers and technical devices.

The author is entitled to an equitable remuneration if the original or copies of his work are lent by mediation of public libraries.

The right to remuneration for private use and the right to remuneration for public lending can be exercised only in the system of collective management of rights.

The resale right is the right of the author to a share of the selling price in all resales of original works of visual art following the first sale by the author, when art dealers are involved in the resale or if the resale is mediated by art market experts such as showrooms and art galleries.

The resale right can be exercised individually or in the system of collective management of rights, if there is an appropriate collective management organ

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