24 | 02 | 2012

WIPO-Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property in Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 28 to June 08, 2012

WIPO-Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property in Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 28 to June 08, 2012

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is organizing two-week Summer School on Intellectual Property (Summer School), jointly with the State Intellectual Property Organization (SIPO), Croatia, and the University of Dubrovnik from May 28 to June 08, 2012.

The Summer School offers an invaluable education program in the whole area of intellectual property (IP). Thirty places will be made available for senior students (graduate and postgraduate students) and young professionals from any field of study or discipline.

You may register for the 2012 WIPO-Croatia Summer School on IP until  March 31, 2012.
More about Summer School...

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