Moral rights of the author

Pursuant to the Copyright and Related Rights Act, moral rights of the author include:

•    right of first publication – the author has the right to decide when and how his work shall become accesible to the public;

•    right of recognition of authorship – the author has the right to be recognised and indicated as the author of the work;

•    right of respect for a copyright work – the author has the right to oppose to any distortion, mutilation and similar modification of his copyright work;

•    right of respect for honour and reputation of the author - the author has the right to oppose to any use of his copyright work in a manner jeopardising his honour or reputation;

•    right of revocation – the author has the right to revoke a right of exploitation of his copyright work, under condition of compensating the damages to the holder of such right, where further use would be prejudicial to his honour or reputation.

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