28 | 04 | 2022

Video on Young Scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Published

Ilustracija mladi i tehnološki izumi

Illustrations of various artists shared on unsplash.com

On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day celebrated on 26 April with this year’s motto “Intellectual Property and Youth: Innovation for a Better Future”, the State Intellectual Property Office prepared a video on this topic in cooperation with the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), with participation of young scientists from that Faculty.

You can watch this video on the following link.

Participants in the video – young employees of the Faculty, Dominik Žanić, Assistant at the Department of Communication and Space Technologies, Marko Šprem, researcher at the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing, Marko Đurašević, Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems, Marsela Polić, leading researcher at the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems, Matea Žilak, Assistant at the Department of Telecommunications and Marin Kačan, researcher, gave a brief description of their research work on technological innovations and sent a message to young innovators on this occasion based on their experience.

Let us remind you herewith that pursuant to the Regulation on Fees for Proceedings in the Field of Intellectual Property and Professional Services of the State Intellectual Property Office, pupils and students until the age of 25 are granted to pay a reduced fee in the amount of 25% of the costs determined by this Regulation for actions in proceedings conducted by the Office for the grant and maintenance of industrial property rights.

This relief is enjoyed, among others, by institutions that perform the activities of early and preschool, primary or secondary education.

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